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  4. Научная статья № 15

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Annadurdyeva A.S.




this article discusses the features of the development of modern technical education and its impact on the general methods of education. A cross and comparative analysis of the influence of the choice of the direction of development of chemical awareness was carried out. Recommendations for the implementation of developments in chemistry are given   

Ключевые слова:
analysis, method, research, systems, education   

УДК 37.01

Annadurdyeva A.S.

Master student,

Engineering and Technology University of Turkmenistan named after Oguzhana

(Turkmenistan, Ashgabat)




Abstract: this article discusses the features of the development of modern technical education and its impact on the general methods of education. A cross and comparative analysis of the influence of the choice of the direction of development of chemical awareness was carried out. Recommendations for the implementation of developments in chemistry are given.


Key words: analysis, method, research, systems, education.


The use of technical ceramics in industry is one of the main areas of its use. Ceramic products can be found from heavy industry and engineering, where they are used to seal pumps, in valve parts, as cutting tools for nickel alloys and cast iron, as well as for cutting coal and rolling pipes, and ending with electrical products up to modern electronics.

The objectives of mastering this discipline are:

– formation of the ability to plan and conduct scientific experiments, to use innovative technologies and information sources, to assess the environmental, economic and social consequences of engineering decisions;

- formation of readiness to search and receive new information necessary for solving engineering problems in the field of knowledge integration in relation to their field, for active participation in the innovative activities of the enterprise, open exchange of information;

- the formation of readiness to substantiate and defend their own conclusions and conclusions, to be aware of the responsibility for making their professional decisions.

As a result of mastering art materials science, students acquire knowledge about the physical foundations of mechanics, kinematics and dynamics of a solid body, the nature of chemical bonds, phase equilibria and phase transformations, chemical systems, the concepts of "chemistry" and "periodic system of elements", "chemical bond", "physical -chemical aging of materials”, materials and a set of their properties, main classes of materials used for the manufacture of objects of the material world, schematic diagrams of typical technological equipment, tools and fixtures, types, purposes of materials and methods for their production, classification of materials by composition, properties, purpose , factors that determine the properties of materials.

As a result of mastering this discipline, students learn its terminology, basic concepts and definitions, the dependence of properties on the structure and composition, the physical essence of the phenomena occurring in materials under external influences and operation.

The discipline program establishes various types of control: current control of progress in the form of tests and defenses of laboratory work, practical exercises, midterm control in the form of tests, conversations and intermediate control in the form of an exam.

Let us present the content of lectures on the topics of the discipline under consideration.

  1. General overview of information about ceramics and metals. General information about artistic ceramics. Composition and properties, types of artistic ceramics. History of metals. Basic concepts. General information about metals. Types of metals. Their characteristics, properties, classification and application. Raw materials for ceramics. Features of physicochemical and technological properties of clay raw materials. The specifics of the physical and mechanical preparation of raw materials and the preparation of raw mixtures. Methods for molding ceramic products: molding, molding, firing.
  2. Ceramic processing technology. Technological methods of mechanical, thermal and chemical processing of finished products. Fundamentals of manufacturing technology of various coatings on products made of metals, ceramics and other materials.
  3. Basic properties of metals. The structure of the crystal lattice of metals. Physical properties of metals. Chemical properties of metals. Mechanical properties of metals. Basic requirements for jewelry alloys. Base metals and their alloys used in jewelry.
  4. Finishing of ceramic products. Decoration methods. Glazing and decoration of ceramic products. Fundamentals of technology for the manufacture of various coatings on ceramic products.

Let us characterize the content of laboratory classes.

  1. Instruments and equipment for thermal analysis. Safety engineering. Determination of the hardness of metals on hardness testers of the TSh type (Brinell device) and TK (Rockwell device) and their mechanical properties.
  2. Microscopic method for the study of metals and alloys. The device of the microscope and the method of working with it.
  3. Basic properties of raw materials. Features of physicochemical and technological properties of clay raw materials. The specifics of the physical and mechanical preparation of raw materials and the preparation of raw mixtures.
  4. Heat treatment of ceramic products. Familiarization with heat treatment processes, subsequent control, study of the effect on their properties.
  5. Methods for testing clay raw materials. Study of methods for testing clay raw materials.
  6. Features of the classification of clays. The study of the distinctive features of the classification of clays.
  7. Physical and chemical processes of drying. Studying their processes.
  8. Properties of metals and alloys. Basic chemical, mechanical and technological properties of alloys.
  9. Cold plastic deformation. Study of the influence of cold plastic deformation on the structure and properties of the alloy.

To enhance cognitive activity during a lecture, the teacher formulates a problem on the topic of the lecture, and students suggest ways to solve it. The teacher acts as a moderator and controls the discussion process, encourages students to express different opinions. The methodological basis of the educational process is the contextual approach. The use of this approach in relation to engineering education is substantiated in our works.

For a more detailed study of the material, each student performs an abstract work, which is presented in the form of a presentation using multimedia tools.




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  2. Vishnjаkova I.V., Aminova G.B., Shaihetdinova R.S., Vishnjаkov V.M. O konceptual’nyh osnovah podgotovki inzhenerov po napravleniyu «Tehnologijа hudozhestvennoi obrabotki materialov» k upravleniyu intellektual’noi sobstvennost’yu vo vremjа proizvodstvennoi praktiki // Vysshee obrazovanie segodnjа. 2016. №10. S. 47–4.
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Полная версия статьи PDF

Номер журнала Вестник науки №4 (61) том 2


Ссылка для цитирования:

Annadurdyeva A.S. METHOD OF TEACHING CERAMIC MATERIALS // Вестник науки №4 (61) том 2. С. 83 - 86. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/7709 (дата обращения: 06.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/7709

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